Services Offered By Star Costumes

Nifty  Costume/ Star Costume Hire - Bespoke Fitting Service - Book now for your 6-8 week time slot to achieve that special Bridal/Wedding  or Dance Group Order. Most orders are despatched inside 7 days but some bespoke items may take the full 8 weeks to make.
Tel: 07749419293
or email your requirements via the website. Many thanks.
 Dresses made for CommissionDresses made for Commission 2Dresses made for Commission 3Dresses made for Commission 4 (2)Dresses made for Commission 7 (2)Mage / Shaman cloak
email: [email protected]
HIRE OR BUY - Full Terms and Hire prices / Conditions can be ordered on the Style Directory page. Generally, prices are 1 item is £25 to hire for 28 days . All other prices shown on each item are purchase prices, per item
We can travel to you to arrange your Bespoke Fitting in the comfort of your own surroundings or at our Dressmaking Studio at Muse Gallery . Please watch our facebook details as we have recently moved.
If you are a Musical, Drama PR Group or Company, please send for our free Catalogue of Historical and Dance Costumes - Free-of-charge.  Historical, Anime. Manga and Cosplay items catalogues available by logging in and registering on the site. Our Order Terms& Conditions for Hire or Buy can be ordered on the Style Directory page.
Our Postal address is as above at the Studio.. You can also contact us efficiently at the above numbers or on Tel: 07749419293 Please give the details of your order or requirements by email until we finalise our Order Form pdf facility online. If you leave me your  email or postal address, I can also send electronically, or  post out an order form and a Free Design.
I look forward to your call.
 We also provide PR businesses, Wedding Parties, Youth groups, Film and Theatre /Dance/Musical groups as well as discerning individual buyers and Brides, with professional Costume Design, manufacture and supply, together with professional Costume fitting services on site. (Yes we can visit YOU, the Customer, subject to certain conditions) or before any purchase is made of the garments by using our Bespoke Fitting Service . For more details or to make a request for this service just go to our Contact us page or visit us at the address above or ring us on T: 07749419293 or email : [email protected]
We also supply a range of Beautiful fine Art. See our shop or request a catalogue.