IMG_20160415_205256received_1617908441841330Larp outfits (above- Mage / Shaman outfit

Under hood for Shaman Cloak

 Leather and faux leather tabard) -  - Chenille-linen-lined reversible cloakLarp TabardWhite Vampire shirtIMG_20140530_141349Left - Darcy/ Poldark shirt used for fantasy larp and stage - Above right - 100% woollen Medieval larp hoods with whipstitched edgings

dress-long-hair-manga-anime-girlsJays St Patricks gearCoif hatMage / Shaman cloakDSC00010DSC00011HelenTemplar Cloak 2SDC11116Templar cloak

Norman KnightLarp SquireLeather back ScabbardMedieval HunterDSC00385redcoat officer john adams