Oliver! cast Job lot Producer's - TO HIRE ONLY - 12 Complete costumes

Oliver! cast Job lot Producer's - TO HIRE ONLY - 12 Complete costumes


Oliver! cast Job lot Producer's  - TO HIRE ONLY - 12 Complete costumes

Job lot includes: 12 x  earth brown authentic woollen tailcoats; victorian shirts with neckties; beige or ecru or deep red waistcoats- double breasted or single mixture offered; woollen breeches; socks and hosiery to match; shoe covers in the victorian styles and 12 top hats!  - colours and outfits as shown in a variety of authentic woollen shades - and fully lined


victorian boys outfit 







victorian boys and menswear

The lace cuffs are optional 


basic victorian boy urchin outfit


Victorian mens outfits


victorian waistcoat, breeches, hosiery and shirt



** Please state chest sizes required in your customer emails***



woollen breeches are fully lined. **Please state shoe sizes required!***


12 Victorian boy costumes as shown - tailcoats; hats; breeches; shirts; shoes; Cravats/neckties ; waistcoats and top hats!

Job lot Costume Rental - the checkout price includes a 20% deposit returned to you at the end of the hire period- usually inside 28 days subject to t & cs

This job lot includes Boys' outfits only (Nancy, Fagan and the girls' outfits  are offered separately)

Oliver Twist musical

Chest size medium ( fits 32" to 48" chest/ bust):

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:  at  £180.00  each